Balanced Scorecard Software

Scorecard Workbench

Your Work Bench Platform offers a range of alternate Reporting formats outside the Balanced Scorecard paradigm. Ideal for operational dashboards or a different perspective on your strategic numbers. Simple yet effective standardized graph types designed to convey information simply and quickly to enhance your decision making.

You can comment on individual metrics or summarise the performance of a division, work group or other area of focus. You can hone the metrics you want reported to highlight outcomes.  Red flag selection is quick and easy for reporting and management action. 

Use Analytics to drill down on your individual metrics for additional detail.  Review trends at both process and actual levels simply and quickly.

Use the multigraph function to display multiple results on one graph.  Save your reporting templates as recurring reports for ease of future compilation.   Graph your results across perspectives or focus on a perspective.  Create downloadable presentations for meetings or management at the click of a button.  

When your Balanced Scorecard is not enough, workbench will fill the void.